Friday, March 12, 2010

The most important thing in life

hi ,

what is the most important thing in life?

IS it friends , family , Money , power, is it life itself..................I believe the answer to this question is the Key To Happiness. The day you figure it out is the day you get your priorities right, that is the day when you start working in the right direction. You know what your problems are and you can focus your energy in the pursuit of happiness.

But for me happiness comes from within..........
I could be sitting alone in my room and be very happy , or i could be with 20 friends and feel pathetic. As I said in my previous post things have never been better in my life except one thing, and now i have finally figured out the problem and it is fear.
throughout my life I have found it within myself to face my fears.......I have always faced the problems head on .......and I have always come on top. But sadly not anymore.I am running from my fear and it is not me .

1 comment:

  1. Dude,when you know that you werent like this,then you know this too,that you still have the capability to ovecome your fears.Everyone knows what you are capable of,its time you start realising it too,its time buddy that you start believing in yourself again.Best of luck....
